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Laburnum Primary School is the school, the determining admission authority for the school’s nursery. Children enter Laburnum Nursery during the term after they become three years old (Jan-March births - Summer term start, Apr-Aug births - Autumn term start, Sept-Dec births - Spring term start.)


Therefore, parents who would like their child to be admitted to the school’s nursery should ensure that they contact the school, as soon as possible, to enter their child’s name into the school’s admissions register. Parents need to complete the necessary application form for their child to start the nursery. Please contact the school office for an admission form: 


Our Nursery is fully flexible and offers both 15 and 30 hour places, as well as the facility for parents to pay for additional half day and lunch sessions where relevant.


We welcome and encourage visits to the school before parents make their choice of Nursery.


We will write to you in the term prior to your child’s start date asking if you still require their place and asking for your preference of sessions. You will then be informed about the school’s acceptance of your child along with the start date, the sessions and times and the 1:1 visit date. Your child will normally be invited to a “taster session” in the half term before they start.




Children are normally admitted to primary school at the start of the Reception year, that is the school year in which they become 5.  Parents of children due to be admitted to school at this time will be required to complete the local authority application form or apply online.  The Local Authority recommend you apply online - the online application form can be found on the Central Bedfordshire Admissions page - link below.


The Local Authority will apply the following criteria  (in the rank order shown) to decide the order in which places will be allocated  when there are more requests from parents/carers than the number of places available:


  1. All ‘looked after’ children and all previously looked after children, including those children who appear (to the admission authority) to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted.

  2. Children living in the catchment area with siblings at the school.

  3. Children living in the catchment area.

  4. Very exceptional medical grounds.

  5. Other children with siblings at the school.

  6. Children attending the Nursery class at Laburnum Primary School.

  7. Children who live nearest to the school determined by a straight line distance from the school site (bell tower) to the child’s home address.


In-year Admission and Admission to other Year Groups


An in-year admission is an application made for a child to be admitted outside of the co-ordinated admissions scheme for the normal year of entry or for another year group within an academy/school.


As an Academy, we opt-in to the local authority’s scheme for in year admissions. Therefore, all in-year admission applications are coordinated by the LA and should be completed using the appropriate LA form. The form is available on the can be found on the Central Bedfordshire Admissions page - link below.


Admissions Number


The admissions number is the number of children the school can accommodate in each year group. Our admissions number is 30.


Admissions Appeals


If parents wish to appeal against a decision to refuse entry, they can do so by applying to the LA. An independent appeals panel then meets to consider all appeals by parents who have been refused a place at our school and who wish to appeal against this decision. An appeals panel’s decision is binding for all parties concerned. If the appeals panel decides that we should admit a child to our school, then we will accept this and continue to do all we can to provide the best education for all the children at our school. Select the link below for full school admissions appeals information on the Central Bedfordshire Council website.





Moving to Secondary School


Applications for places for Year 7 at Secondary School need to be made to the Local Authority by 31st October of each academic year.  Further information is available on the link below.



Central Bedfordshire Admissions Web Page

Central Bedfordshire School  Admissions Appeals

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