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Laburnum Primary School


On this page and under the information tab you will find a lot of information about what we do at Laburnum and how we do it.


If you cannot find the information that you need, please email, ring or visit the school office and just ask...

Equal Opportunities

The school promotes equal access to all pupils in the curriculum and the extra curricula areas and will not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, colour, nationality or ethnic origin.


Special Educational Needs

Some children, at some time during their education, may experience difficulties in one or more areas of the curriculum. Each class teacher is responsible for the children in their class and is supported by the Special Needs & Disabilities Co-ordinator who ensures a whole school approach to meeting special educational needs. Our full SEND policy can be read on our Policies & Guidance page.



If your child is ill or absent from school please contact the school office on the first day of absence to let us know.


All absences must be notified; otherwise they will be counted as unauthorised by the DfE (Department for Education). If you wish to take your child out of school during school time please complete a form from the school office or our Policies & Guidance page; however this must only be for exceptional cases. . The law says that parents and carers do NOT have the right to take their child out of school for holidays in term time. However, it does say that, in exceptional circumstances schools can allow them to take their child out of school for up to 10 days in a school year. Permission must be requested before the holiday takes place and must be for exceptional circumstances. These must be explained on the request form. Unauthorised absence can result in a penalty notice of between £60 and £120 and parents can be prosecuted in court.


School Transport is provided for children who live in the Laburnum catchment area of Beeston when they are of statutory school age.


Parents of all other pupils must make their own travel arrangements. Pupils are encouraged to walk when possible, both to alleviate the amount of traffic driving and parking on Laburnum Road and to encourage exercise. If it is necessary to use a car, we do ask that visitors please park with consideration for local residents and other road users. Until they have successfully completed Bikeability Level 2 (in Year 5), children should only ride bicycles and scooters to school if they are accompanied and supervised by an adult. Bicycle and scooter storage is available at school, however bicycles and scooters are the responsibility of the owner. For the safety of all, bicycles and scooters must never be ridden on school premises.


Children at Laburnum usually settle well to their work and play happily with their friends.


They are encouraged to take responsibility for their actions and they are helped to think of others, of their impact on the environment and of their role in preserving a harmonious school. Parents have an important role to play in encouraging good standards of behaviour in their children at home, school and beyond. Our 'Behaviour Principles and Relationship Policy' is available on our Policies & Guidance page.


If children are ill then the best place for them is at home.


When children have had sickness or diarrhoea, NHS advice is that they remain at home for at least 48 hours after the last bout of illness. Prescription medication can only be administered after parents or carers have signed an indemnity form. Medicines will then be stored in the main office; children should never carry their own medicines to and from school or keep them in their classroom or bags. If your child needs an inhaler for asthma, please contact the school office so that procedures can be explained and an Asthma Protocol can be created and signed. Please note parents are responsible for checking that inhalers are within their use by date and in working condition. If your child suffers from a nut or other allergy, or any other medical condition, please inform the school so we can make sure appropriate support and provision can be put in place.

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