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Lunch Arrangements


Our school meals provider is Hertfordshire Catering Limited (HCL). School lunches are ordered and paid for by parents using School Grid:


Parents/carers and their children can choose their main meal online for each day to ensure that parents know what their children are eating and children are guaranteed a meal that they like.


If you need a login for School Grid, please contact the school office.


Every child in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 is entitled to free school meals.


Families with children in year 3 and above who qualify for Free School Meals should please contact the school office to ensure their entitlement is up to date.


Children may bring a packed lunch if they prefer. We still encourage a balanced diet and lunchtime staff always encourage children to eat as much of the lunch provided as possible. We do ask that drinks are sent in unbreakable containers and fizzy drinks are avoided. All containers should be clearly named. Any leftovers and food wrappings will be sent home in the lunch box so that you can also keep a check on what has been eaten. Swapping food or giving it to friends is discouraged.


If you forget to send a packed lunch please let us know.


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