
At Laburnum Primary School, we understand the importance of the transition process for both pupils and their parents and, as a result, we are committed to providing a smooth transition for all pupils whether it is between settings, year groups or key stages. 

Transition into Nursery 

During the term before entry to Nursery:  

Parents will be contacted to confirm that they wish to take up the place being offered.  
Parents will be provided with ‘new-starter’ and session choices forms to complete.  
New pupils and their parents will be invited to at least one ‘stay and play’ drop in session.  
In the term that pupils begin Nursery:  

New pupils and their parents will be invited to an individual meeting to meet the staff, share information, raise questions and discuss any concerns. 
Transition into Reception 
Nursery children will work with the Reception class at various times throughout the week, will share an outdoor area and integrate between classes every day during ‘free-flow’ sessions. 

During the Summer term before entry to Reception: 

New pupils and their parents/carers will be invited to at least one ‘stay and play’ drop in session. 
Nursery children will spend a series of sessions in the Reception classroom with the Reception teacher and support staff. 
Staff will use stories to help explain new situations so children can relate to the change that will occur.  
Prior to entering Reception: 

The nursery teacher will advise the Reception teacher on favourable groupings for children.  
Parents and carers will attend an information session with the Head Teacher, SENDCo, EYFS Lead and Reception Class Teacher to discuss what their child can expect in the first term of their new class/school – this is an opportunity for parents and carers to feel reassured and for the Reception class teacher to discuss class content, provisions in place to make transition easier for their children and for parents and carers to have any questions answered. 

During the first term: 

Children will undertake the Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA) within the first six weeks of entering Reception. Children will not be required to prepare for the assessment and, in most cases, children will not be aware that they are being assessed. Children with SEND or EAL will be included in the assessment. 
Familiar routines and ‘free-flow’ will be provided initially in order to settle and reassure the children. 
An informal parents’ evening will be held to provide parents and carers with information about the curriculum and give them the opportunity to reflect on the transition process, as well as address any questions or concerns. Throughout the year, parents and carers will be encouraged to share any information, concerns, or pupil successes with staff in person, or through Class Dojo. 

Transition into Year 1 
During the Summer term, prior to entry into Year 1:  
  • Reception pupils will join the older pupils on the playground during break and lunch time, supported by a member of staff. 
  • Reception pupils will attend all relevant assemblies with the whole school, in addition to gradually building up assemblies throughout the year (beginning with the Friday Celebration Assembly). 
  • Reception classes will adopt a slightly more formal timetable, similar to what they will initially experience in Year 1. 
  • Reception pupils will have sessions in the Year 1 classroom with their future Year 1 teacher and support staff.  
  • Reception pupils will attend more whole-school activities. 
Prior to the pupils entering Year 1: 

The Reception teacher will complete progress assessments on each child and provide the reports to their Year 1 teacher. 
Learning journals, phonics assessments, examples of writing, parent consultation records and any concerns regarding pupil groupings will be passed on from the Reception teacher to the Year 1 teacher.  
During the first term: 

Pupils will continue to be assessed on the EYFS profile, if appropriate.   
Consideration will be given to the links between the seven areas of learning in the foundation stage and the national curriculum subjects.  
The more formal teaching of Year 1 will be introduced gradually. 
Transition into other years 
Pupils will attend mixed class and whole-school assemblies throughout the year, and will engage with other teachers and pupils. 

During the Summer term prior to entry into the following year group: 

Pupils will participate in two transition days with their new teacher. Teachers will meet to ‘handover’ their class. The handover meeting will involve discussing the overall progress of the pupils, any issues the current teacher faced and whether there are any special considerations the new teacher needs to be aware of, e.g. adjustments for pupils with SEND. Previous class teachers will advise new teachers of any challenges or issues in grouping pupils. 
Teachers will meet to discuss pupils’ progress from previous years, and set learning targets for individual pupils. 
Assessments, parent consultation records and pupil exercise books for all subjects are passed on to the next class.  
A parents’ evening will be held during the first term to provide parents and carers with information about the curriculum and give them the opportunity to reflect on the transition process, as well as address any questions or concerns 

Transition from Year 6 to Year 7

Our school is a feeder school to Sandy Secondary School, where the majority of our pupils attend from Year 7. Throughout their time at Laburnum Primary School, pupils will have the opportunity to visit Sandy Secondary School for various introduction and transition events / taster days.

If parents/carers elect to send their child to an alternative Secondary School, Laburnum Primary School will fully support this and as far as possible, will engage positively in all transition activities planned by the new school. 

Teachers from the secondary school (usually the SENDCo) will meet with the Year 6 teacher and/or the SENDCo and the Deputy Head Teacher to discuss the incoming pupils, including reasonable adjustments required for pupils with SEND, issues with pupil groupings and any challenging pupils. 

There will be a designated transition day for Year 6 pupils to the secondary school during the Summer term, with additional visits arranged for pupils with SEND. Sandy Secondary School also hosts a parents’ information meeting on one of these days. 

All records from the school will be passed on to the secondary school as required in line with the school’s Data Retention Schedule and Data Protection Policy. 

Sandy Secondary School provides parents and carers with comprehensive information during the summer term before they transition to Year 7 and encourages parents and carers to contact them directly if they have any concerns or questions.  

Transition into the school during the school year 

Individual tours will be arranged for all incoming parents and pupils, and where possible, the pupil is offered time to stay with their prospective class. 

The school website contains full information about the school and the curriculum. In order to be more environmentally friendly, we do not provide a paper copy of information, however paper copies are always available on request. 

New pupils joining the school will be assessed by their class teacher and other necessary members of staff, such as the SENDCo, to ensure that any additional needs are accommodated for. 

A ‘buddy’ system will be established for new pupils; this will involve an informal pairing of a new pupil with a current pupil, who will be a supportive and positive role model for Laburnum values and expecations. 

Records will be obtained from the previous school and are made available to the pupil’s class teacher. 

Data transfers will be made in line with the school’s Data Protection Policy.