Year 6 - Oak Class

Welcome to Oak Class

​Class Teachers: Mrs Barton (M-Th) & Mr Bardell (F)

​Support Staff: Mrs Bailey, Mrs Hipkin, Mrs Shaw & Mrs Tyler


PE days: Monday and Thursday - children should come to school in appropriate kit.

​Home Learning Expectations: Children are expected to practise core skills every week:

  • Reading - ideally daily, but at least 3 times a week.

  • Maths skills rehearsed using tasks set online on Sumdog.

  • Embedding multiplication and division facts, up to 12x12, recalled in any order at speed (online using Sumdog/ TT Rockstars).

  • In Year 6, homework takes the form of SATs revision tasks in CGP books. Every Friday, the children will be set one or two pages from one of the study guides to complete for homework, which links to what they have been learning that week.

  • Children should learn and rehearse the information sent home on knowledge organisers.

​The Year 6 Curriculum: Some curriculum highlights can be found on the Autumn Term Parent Briefing information. Full information is available on the curriculum section of our website.